
Tempo of 8-Choshi and 6-Choshi

 Music of Iwami-Kagura is based on the drum beats lead by the large drum followed by the small drum accompanied by melodies of bamboo flutes and stimulating metal sounds of small brass hand-claps. There are two kinds of drum-beat tempos: 8-Choshi, fast drum-beat rhythm or tempo music, and 6-Choshi, slow but traditional drum-beat rhythm or tempo music.

 In a single episode, players of four musical instruments sing a short form of lyric poetry called Kagura-Uta which tells the particular scene of an episode. When the dancing of an episode becomes fast and climaxing, they add up-beat tempos to excite the audience.



  • Taiko(large and small drums)

  • Fue(Fuye, bamboo flutes)

  • Suri-Gane(a pair of small brass hand-claps)

Music of Iwami-Kagura is based on the drum beats lead by the large drum followed by the small drum accompanied by the melody of bamboo flutes and stimulating metal sound of a pair of small brass hand-claps.